Saturday Night Live Promos
4 March 2004

Colin:  I'm Colin Firth and I'm hosting SNL with Norah Jones.
Amy:  Won't it be fun to work with such a cute guy?
Norah:  Yeah, I can hardly wait.
Colin (humbly looks from one to the other):  That's very flattering ladies.
Norah:  We're talking about Jimmy Fallon.
CF (crestfallen):  Oh! Right! Me, too.

Colin:  I'm Colin Firth and I'm hosting SNL with Norah Jones.
Amy:  Won't it be fun to work with such a cute guy?
Norah:  Yeah, I can hardly wait.
Colin (humbly looks from one to the other):  That's very flattering ladies.
Norah:  We're talking about Jimmy Fallon.
CF (crestfallen):  Oh! Right! Me, too.

  [Screen caps courtesy of KathyC]


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